Now Booking for 2022
I’m Capt’n Jay Girardot, owner and operator of Jay’s Striper Guide Service. I specialize in live bait striper fishing in East Tennessee. I have fished East Tennessee lakes and rivers for over 16 years and like to think I’ve built a reputation as the leading guide in the area.
My primary lakes that I fish are Norris and Cherokee. I also have extensive knowledge of the surrounding lakes, including Douglas, Watts Bar, Melton Hill, Fort Loudoun and Tellico. If you want to catch your limit and keep the fish, I’ll filet them for free. I also encourage catch and release fishing to help preserve our excellent fisheries so we can keep fishing even after you catch your limit.
Thank you for visiting my website and considering me for your next guided fishing trip.
Satisfaction guaranteed!

- Another good morning on the water. Grandma showed them how it is to be done! Thanks again Chris for coming out hopefully we’ll see you next week.
- Me and my granddaughter Allie had a few hours to fish this morning so we went out and she put a hurtin on them.
- Another great day on the water. I couldn’t find any fish
- Another great morning on the water. 1st time striper fishermen and they had a ball thanks to Brian Nichols. Tnstriperfishing.com 865-745-9060
- Charlie and Jack put the smack down on the fish this morning! Tn 865-745-9060